
Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker

price: $24.99
historical low: $16.24
steam deck compatible: yes
author recommendation: buy

why you should check it out:
a world war 1 immersive sim that takes place in a french bunker. imagine alien isolation but in a underground bunker. sound design is excellent and there is workshop support.

Amnesia: The Bunker

why you should NOT check it out:
if the following sentence doesn't make you want to try it out then move along: you are equipped with only a wind-up flashlight and need to hide from a sound detecting monster. also the game has some frustrating systems and a punishing saving system.

Amnesia: The Bunker
this might not look terrifying but believe me, it is

key features

amnesia the bunker
image from

amnesia the bunker
this isn't in the game but if this sends the feel good signal to your brain, you need this game

tips: best tip I can give anyone is wind the flashlight once and see if the monster reacts. if not, wind it up once more as any more than 2 is excessive and invites the monster in to your location

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